These classes are open to all public with no restrictions. They also take place in the dance/sport room of the social centers. In order to register, please click on the “Book a class” links below and add your name to the Doodle registration page.
Registrations need to be done in advance (depending on how full is the class, we recommend booking a couple days ahead, but registration is still possible on the day of the class). Cancellations have to be notified 24 hours before the class, so that the teacher can offer your spot to another student if the class was full. In case of last minute cancellation, we strongly encourage you to make a more generous donation the next time you attend the class as the teacher will not be able to give another person your spot!
Finally, please arrive 5 minutes before the beginning of class.
These are all levels classes, but rather dynamic ones! (Please let the teacher know at the beginning of class if you have never done yoga before or if you have an injury).
To participate in these “open to all” classes, we encourage you to join our association for €10 per year. This will give you access to these classes for the minimum fee of €5 (non-member rate is €7 minimum). By becoming a member of CONNECTION KARMA you decide to actively support the actions of the association whose goal is to bring yoga into the lives of people who do not have easy access to it. Beyond a simple yoga class, your membership will help us to continue non-profit projects (for example, community classes, classes for teenagers in social centers, special parent-child workshops during school holidays, etc…)
These actions are possible thanks to the structures and social centers with which the association collaborates but also thanks to the teachers commitment to the association in the long term. The association wants to remunerate the teachers fairly for their classes.
Thank you so much for your generosity and for sharing with us the desire to bring yoga into people’s lives.
At La Maison du Bas Belleville: temporarily location at 17 rue Pali Kao 75020 Paris (M° Couronnes).
Starting Monday, October 2:
Monday evening: Beginner Yoga – Level 1 18:30 to 19:30 with Sofia BOOK A CLASS
Monday evening: Intermediate Yoga – Level 2 19:45 to 20:45 with Sofia BOOK A CLASS
Starting Saturday, October 14:
Saturday morning: Gentle Yoga 9:45 to 10:45 with Sabrina BOOK A CLASS
Saturday morning: Vinyasa Yoga 1 11:00 to 12:00 with Sabrina BOOK A CLASS
At la Clairière: 60 rue Greneta, 75002 Paris
Monday evening: Vinyasa Yoga 1 18:45 to 19:45 with Marie BOOK A CLASS
Monday evening: Vinyasa Yoga 2 20:00 to 21:00 with Marie BOOK A CLASS
At Relais Ménilmontant: 70 rue des Rigoles, 75020 Paris
Thursday afternoon: Vinyasa Yoga 1 14:45 to 15:45 with Marie BOOK A CLASS
At Saint-Marcel: 37 Bd Saint-Marcel, 75013 Paris
Thursday afternoon: Gentle Yoga 15:00 to 16:00 with Delphine BOOK A CLASS
At Piat: 49 rue Piat, 75020 Paris
Thursday evening: Vinyasa Yoga 1 19:45 to 20:45 with Isabelle COMING SOON